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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Assassins Creed: Brotherhood

Not actually able to play this game, but it looks like a really fun game. Graphics always good, fun interactions, gore which some people can't see so it wouldn't be a good choice. Still looks fun ;)

Metroid: Other M

I myself have watched the trailer for this game and it doesn't really look that good. But if you are a fan of the series and a fan of the the camera angle than go along and buy it.(before deciding watch the trailer).

Not with the subject

this isn't actually something to look forward to in gaming but its something. So i've got Starcraft 2 now(i've actually had it for a couple of weeks) and its really awesome. One problem. I CAN'T PLAY ON THE WEEKENDS. But so far i'm trying to make the best of it. So enough of that. My one problem for Stacraft 2: when i try to use the Starcraft 2 map editor since i'm playing on a Mac it says that the application quit unexpectedly, quite annoying actually. I've called Blizzard, i've sent reports to apple, i've tryed restarting, and nothing will work. So i guess i'm going to just have to play the game(sad isn't it). But other than that i love the game. If there is anyone who has a Starcraft 2 account you're welcome to give me your SCII name and character code i've got a few pro friends on there, if you haven't heard of Husky from his huskystarcraft youtube videos he's a pro and SCI veteran, so you might be able to play with him too.